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Dark Web Cyber-attacks Targeting MENA Region (2024 January)

S2W is publishing region threat analysis reports for regions that need information on darkweb threats. Following analysis on Indonesia, Japan and Thailand, our January issue delves into darkweb key contents and statistics of MENA.

Report Highlights:
This report provides *channel-specific analysis results for countries and industries frequently targeted within the MENA region.
(Analysis channels: Dark web hacking forums, ransomware, Telegram)

[Dark Web Hacking Forum]
- The posting volume targeting 'Turkish' on dark web hacking forums was the highest among all MENA countries, with 'Israel' showing the highest YOY increase.

- The primary target for ransomware groups primarily driven by monetary gains was the 'UAE,' likely linked to the recent high growth rate in the UAE.

- Messages targeting 'Israel' saw explosive growth in '23 and continue to be the largest target country in the MENA region in '24.

🧑‍💻 Report authors: Analysts Sunhyung Shim and Jay Oh

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